Author Archives: raviakula

My personal experiments with mixing JK talks + Indian music, dialogues and songs!

These were recorded using Serato DJ Pro on a laptop. Listen with headphones for best audio!

1. This is my personal experiment with mixing Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “Nobody Can Help You” talk recorded on Sep 9th, 1969 at Brockwood Park, UK with related or contrasting dialogues, music or songs from India.

The official recording of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s talk can be found here –

2. This is my personal experiment with mixing Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “What is the role of the artist?” recorded on May 17th, 1983 at Ojai, CA with related or contrasting dialogues, music or songs from India.

The official recording of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s talk can be found here –

One Toronto Minute by Sun Ray Productions

Namaste !

We would like to dedicate our movie, ONE TORONTO MINUTE, to the people of Toronto. For their spirit and enthusiasm in balancing chaos and calmness. Every fleeting moment of the day.
In our concept, we visualized TIME (protagonist) as standing in one spot and rotating 360 degrees in a minute. Thus witnessing a full day of urban life in a one minute. In ONE TORONTO MINUTE. We shot various fleeting moments of daily urban life with landmarkToronto locations as backdrops. Starting with brilliant sunrise (from Humber Bay Park with Toronto skyline as backdrop), people exercising and spending time with family (at High Park), rushing through the day (Spadina), experiencing and supporting Pride (Church street),  unwinding after a hectic day (King Street), rushing home (Union Station), gentle evening walks (Harbourfront Centre) and magnificent sunset (The Docks/Polson Pier).
We are grateful to our families and kids for their continuous support during the making of this movie. It is important to note that on Father’s day they allowed us to go roam Toronto and shoot our videos. We would also like to thank our friends and family for their valuable feedback as we evolved and executed our concept. Last but not the least, we would like to thank the people of Toronto (who kept doing their daily urban life ‘thing’) and allowed us to shoot uninterrupted in all Toronto locations.
With Love and Respect,
Ravi and Saptarshi.

#BHARAT – Design Challenge

India was once part of the great Indus Valley Civilization, but over time it was invaded and ruled by many foreigners. It finally attained independence from the British in 1947 and today with a population of over a billion people it is the largest democracy in the world. India is a multi-cultural and secular country that is on the threshold of regaining its glorious past, but systemic problems like corruption and communalism are hindering its growth. Terrorism is one more systemic problem that could derail India’s success story in the 21st century.

These systemic problems lead to loss of revenue and lives. Speaking of lives, a lot of lives are lost to disasters that are either man-made (terrorism) or natural (floods, earthquakes, etc.). In such disaster situations, we expect the governments and official forces to help us out and save lives. But I feel that a common man not only has the desire to counter these situations, but also has the ability to design and build life saving solutions and systems.

Seeking inspiration from the common people, this project aims to save more lives during disaster situations and make recovery less painful for survivors and families. To that end, we are framing a design challenge to be solved. We are calling it #BHARAT – Design Challenge.

The following is a presentation that puts forth some thoughts and ideas. We hope that this challenge leads to design conversations that will ultimately translate into life saving solutions and systems.

We look forward to your feedback and participation in solving this design challenge. Thank You!

the learning project…

this is a pitch video made for a project focused on early childhood learning!

the collection of videos are edited to convey the message that all children are creative and have big dreams!!

it is our responsibility to nurture them and make all dreams happen!!!